Appendix A Operator Requirements (CAT & NCC)

The air operators intending to operate IFR into Albenga airport shall have:

Classified Albenga airport as Category “B” or “C” as per EU Regulation 965/2012, ORO.FC.105 in accordance with the following table:


Have an approved training programme for pilots qualification including contingency and recency procedures;
Have forwarded the training programme and the list of its pilot to Albenga Airport Authority.

PIC (Pilot-in-Command) to operate VFR / IFR shall have one of the following qualifications:


NOTE: The Pilot Qualification Type “C” is only for Commercial Air Transport (CAT) or Non- Commercial Air Operations with Complex Motor Powered Aircraft (NCC) Operations.

NOTE: For the approach to Albenga the pilot/pilots is/are obliged to carry along a copy of the operator statement either in electronic form or printed on paper, together with the other flight documents and to present them anytime on demand.

NOTE: In case of Pilot operating into Albenga airport without holding the appropriate current qualification the Albenga Airport Authority will promptly inform the Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC).

1.1 Training Program

The operator shall develop a training program including contingency procedures to operate at Albenga. The program shall enclose a “Safety Case”. The training program shall be approved by the Aviation Authority of the State where the operator is registered.

NOTE: A sample training programme for NCC operator has been developed by the Albenga Airport Authority and is available on the website (see “NCC Sample Training Programme” on website

The training program for NCC operator shall include the following minimum events:

-Break Clouds for VFR Approach RWY 27;
-Standard Missed Approach for RWY 27;
-Break Clouds for VFR Approach RWY 27;
-Missed Approach below minima (balked landing) for RWY 27; Break Clouds for VFR Approach RWY 27;

-Circling to RWY 09 with full stop landing;
-Standard Take-off from RWY 09;
-Standard Take-off from RWY 27 (if aircraft performances meet requirements)

-Other contingency / emergency procedures, as required by National Authority.

1.2 Flight Training

This flight is dedicated to training activities and no passenger shall be on board. Safety criteria shall be observed in each phase of the flight training.

The PIC may stop the flight if he deems the weather, the ATC or any other possible event could jeopardize the safety.

At the discretion of the PIC any manoeuvre or procedure of the flight may be repeated until satisfactorily.

Checks and cockpit procedures shall be carried out in compliance with the authorised check list for the aeroplane used in the check and with the MCC concept.

Performance data for take-off, approach, landing, and missed approach shall be calculated by the PIC in compliance with the operations manual or flight manual for the aeroplane used.

Decision heights/altitude and minimum descent heights/altitudes and missed approach point shall be determined in accordance with published aeronautical information unless air operator’s procedures are more restrictive.

NOTE: Alternatively a Flight Simulator (FSTD)  using a scenario reproducing Albenga airport orography and obstacles can be used as substitute of in-flight training. The simulator shall be approved by the Aviation Authority of the State where the operator is registered.

1.3 Paperwork to issue Pilot Qualification Type “C”

The operator shall forward to Albenga Airport Authority a list of all its pilots having complete the training program.

The Albenga Airport Authority will inform the operator and the pilot about the issue of the Pilot Qualification Type “C” and will forward the list to the ENAC – Flight Standard Office.

NOTE: Pilots already qualified for night-time operations by May 28, 2015, shall perform the activities for Pilot Qualification Type “B”. The operator shall forward to Albenga Airport Authority the update list of pilots with a previous qualification for night-time operations and state the new due date after having complete the on-line test.

1.4 Revalidation Requirements

The Pilot Qualification Type “C” will last 12 months since the issue / revalidation of the qualification. To revalidate the qualification the pilot shall:

– perform a complete instrumental procedure and a landing within 12 months since the qualification issue or revalidation

– review the briefing and take the test as describe at

After the familiarization test and having accomplished the required practical training the operator shall forward to Albenga Airport Authority a statement certifying that the pilot has completed the required practical training. The Albenga Airport Authority will update the pilot information into the qualified pilot database and reply for registration update.

Aeroporto Internazionale di Villanova d’Albenga “C. Panero” – Sito ufficiale

International Airport of Villanova d’Albenga “C. Panero” – Official site

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