7. Emergency and Contingency Procedures
7.1 Emergency Procedures
The Albenga airport surrounding terrain and associated obstacles generate a great risk of Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT). So the pilot shall study carefully the aircraft Emergency Procedures (operation and aircraft specific) as well as Company contingency procedures in case of commercial operations, and shall be aware of the weather and orographic peculiarities of the airport.
REMARK: Visual take-off for RWY 09 and for RWY 27 allowed only to aircraft having performances that can assure a safe obstacles clearance.
REMARK: On departure due to the unavailability of a circling area for immediate return, the operator shall plan in advance an alternate departure aerodrome.
7.2 Contingency Procedures
As per previous paragraph the pilot / operator shall consider the necessity to establish contingencies procedures for take-off and missed approach / balked landing depending on the aircraft performance.
REMARK: On departure due to the unavailability of a circling area for immediate return, the operator shall plan in advance an alternate departure aerodrome.
NOTE: In case of Pilot Qualification Type “B” or “C” the CAT or NCC operator shall in any case establish contingency procedures to operate at Albenga.
Aeroporto Internazionale di Villanova d’Albenga “C. Panero” – Sito ufficiale
International Airport of Villanova d’Albenga “C. Panero” – Official site
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